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Kerrie Blaise

Kerrie Blaise is the founder of LAND and an accomplished environmental and Indigenous rights lawyer. Today, she is one of only a handful of public-interest environmental lawyers who serve Indigenous communities, non-profits, and community leaders, pushing for the protection of Indigenous and environment rights in response to urgent threats to lands and waters. Kerrie is a driven advocate, representing those who have been most affected by development, environmental hazards, and systemic racism, and she works to amplify their voices – whether in the courts, before lawmakers, or within their communities – to precipitate change.

Kerrie is a graduate of Osgoode Hall Law School (2015) and was a visiting student at the Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia. With a Master of Science from the University of Edinburgh and Bachelor of Environmental Studies from York University, Kerrie’s background in ecological science informs her approach in creating solutions in law that safeguard the health of communities, species, and their habitats.

Kerrie was previously a staff lawyer at the Canadian Environmental Law Association and maintains many notable advisory positions, including as co-chair of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Caucus, Réseau-Canadian Environmental Network, and as a member of the Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership and Domestic Law and Policy Stream.

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